Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My own website!

Hey everyone! I really need to come back here more often, look at all the people who have been updating. I really hope this gets out to the whole Lobel family. I'll do what I can to help make that happen. I see my mother has made a post, and of course it's in some shade of pink or purple.

So I've been busy as can be lately. But one of the things I've been working on has been my own website! Everyone can preview it here:


Please give me feedback on it! I realize there's very little content in it right now. But that's what I've got to work on in my free time, and only at certain computers. The free time is very hard to come by lately too.

Hope to hear more from everyone!
Have a good week!


1 comment:

Personal Growth Financial wizard said...

Nice start cory..I have a consulting business that helps small business find projects, let me know when you are up and running, I'll try and find you some business in Boston. There is a ton of freelance work out there for you, good $$ too !!
